NSWCCL President opposes police association call for new mandatory minimum...
Yesterday the NSW Police Association called for a two year mandatory sentence for people convicted of assaulting police. NSWCCL President Stephen Blanks has spoken strongly against this...
View ArticleProposed amendment to NSW bail laws : indecent and unwise haste
The Bail Act 2013 was a product of two years’ work by the Law Reform Commission and a team of experts. The Report was tabled in 2012. The Government then carefully considered it and in 2013 passed a...
View ArticleSubmission to the NSW Sentencing Council’s alcohol and drug fuelled violence...
NSWCCL recently made a submission to the NSW Sentencing Council’s Review of proposals relating to sentencing provisions for alcohol and drug fuelled violence. The review was initiated by proposals made...
View ArticleSettlement awarded to Class Action on behalf of falsely imprisoned youth
The NSWCCL, in partnership with the Law Society, is planning a forum on the recent COPS Database, and its implications for the public. Notable speakers from the police force and legal professsion are...
View ArticleCOPS database forum: final report
COPS Database Forum: October 21st 2015On October 21st 2015, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties in conjunction with the Law Society of New South Wales held a forum on the Computerised Operational...
View ArticleAnti-protest bill update - community outrage grows
The outrageous Inclosed Lands, Crimes and Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Interference) Bill 2016– better know as the ‘anti-protest’ bill- will be further debated in the NSW Legislative Council...
View ArticleGovernment and conservative parties force through outrageous anti-protest law
Despite widespread opposition from the legal profession, anti- CSG and environmental groups, farmers, unions, concerned citizens and, of course, NSWCCL the Inclosed Lands, Crimes and Law Enforcement...
View ArticleCCL opposes dangerous serious crimes and public safety laws
The NSW Parliament is this week considering two disturbing proposals for new laws creating ‘Serious Crime Prevention Orders’ and ‘Public Safety Orders’ to combat organized serious crime.The NSW Council...
View ArticleNew laws hit rule of law and civil liberties
Despite vigorous opposition from the Labor Party and the Greens, the NSW Parliament last week passed extraordinary new controls on the right to protest, on freedom of movement and association and a...
View Article'Anti-Protest Bill' Explained
In March this year, the NSW government passed legislation aimed at intimidating anti-coal seam gas protesters, joining a growing trend[1] toward restricting environmental activism in Australia. This...
View ArticleNSWCCL Report on Juvenile Justice Legislation
Concerns over human rights standards in Australian juvenile justice centres were brought to national attention with Four Corners’ recent expose on Don Dale Detention Centre in the Northern Territory....
View ArticleOversight of NSW Police - reform or rebadging?
A new body of vital importance to the NSW justice sector -the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) – was set up in January following the passage of The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act last...
View ArticleSenate reactivates inquiry into a national integrity body
In February 2016 a Senate Select Committee was set up to ‘inquire into whether a national integrity commission should be established to address institutional, organisational, political and electoral,...
View ArticleA National Integrity Commission for Australia?
NSWCCL has formally argued its strong support for a national anti-corruption agency in Australia.We put our views in a submission to the current Senate Select Committee Inquiry on a National Integrity...
View Article'Shoot to kill' bill rushed through NSW parliament.
As part of its response to the Coroner's Report on the Lindt Cafe seige and other recent terrorist events in Australia the NSW Government has flagged a package of new counter-terrorism laws which it...
View ArticleNSWCCL opposes harsh law against homeless in Martin Place
NSWCCL PUBLIC STATEMENT Sydney Public Reserves (Public Safety) Bill 2017 (NSW)The NSWCCL calls for the withdrawal of this extraordinary Bill. It is unwarranted, unnecessary legislation. It is a harsh...
View ArticleNSWCCL Calls on Commonwealth Government to Reform the Federal Custody...
The Custody Notification Service (CNS) is a legislative scheme requiring police to contact an Aboriginal legal service every time an Aboriginal person enters police custody. The scheme was designed and...
View ArticleNational Integrity Commission -committee report equivocates
There is widespread and well argued community and expert support for a national body to expose and prevent serious and systemic corruption within, and relating to, public administration (including...
View ArticleMEDIA RELEASE - Inquest into the death of Scott Johnson
The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (CCL) welcomes the findings of the Coroner into historic and ongoing police attitudes to LGBTIQ hate crimes and calls upon the NSW Police to implement...
View ArticleMEDIA RELEASE - Physical Restraints Used Against Aboriginal People
This week, Aboriginal man, Eric Whittaker died in a Sydney hospital while in police custody. As he lay bedridden, he was placed in leg chains by police. This was the scene that greeted Mr Whittaker’s...
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